Saturday, August 21, 2010

Is There a Painless Way to Remove Unwanted Hair Permanently?

It is an indisputable fact that removing unwanted hair has been a concern faced by most women and some men for the last thousand years. It is another indisputable fact that removing unwanted hair is a slow and often very painful process. Have you ever tried plucking one hair strand at a time with a pair of tweezers? Then you know that it is very frustrating, not to mention sheer torture. No wonder 80% of women and 50% of men are so keen on finding better and less painful ways of body hair removal.
Unfortunately, removing unwanted body hair is a no-pain, no-gain scenario. There is also the risk of skin irritation or even severe skin damage. You may have encountered some advertisements of hair removal products and treatments claiming to be painless, but even those claims are not true.
Possible Risks Involved with Common Hair Removal Methods
All methods of removing unwanted body hair carry a form of risk. You need to be aware of these risks when you go through any hair removal process.
1. Shaving is the simplest way of removing body hair. It takes time, however, and it must be done on a regular basis since it does not completely remove the hair. You can also cut yourself while shaving, and the resulting razor burns from shaving too closely can irritate and damage skin.
2. Hair removal creams and other depilatory products are chemically formulated to dissolve hair. How effective these products are in removing your body hair depends on a number of factors, such as the thickness of the hair you are trying to remove. But since these products dissolve hair chemically, you also run the risk of irritating your skin.
3. Electrolysis literally burns your hair follicles at the roots one strand at a time using electricity. It can be a very painful process depending on how skilled the technician conducting the procedure is, which is why only small portions of the skin can be treated per session. Electrolysis may result in permanent hair removal, but it is a very expensive treatment.
A Possibly Painless Hair Removal Treatment
As mentioned above, hair removal treatments are not entirely painless even if it is claimed that they are. But there is one form of treatment that may give you a lot less pain than usual, and that is laser hair removal. Laser hair removal is considered to be the best solution to getting rid of unwanted body hair. It can be used to treat various areas of your body, such as your face, neck, shoulders, back, arms, thighs, legs and bikini area.
In addition, the effects of laser treatments may be permanent. It all depends on the skill of the technician working the machine used in this treatment. If performed correctly, it is less likely for hair follicles to grow back. However, these results are not the same for everybody. In most cases, hair loss is permanent for patients treated. About 10% of those treated will not experience any results.
That is because results of laser removal treatment depend on a number of factors. The most important factor that will determine the success of the treatment is the thickness of the hair in the affected area. This is why more than one session is necessary to achieve optimal results with laser removal. The hair follicles destroyed by the laser in one session will cause them to fall out after the session, but if they survive, they will grow back within six months. For best results, you will need some three to five sessions, with each session two months apart from each other.

Best Methods For Permanently Removing Hair

There are many different ways of removing hair, some temporary and some permanent. Lots of people shave, pluck and wax without realizing that by doing this they will actually stimulate hair growth! Now there are many advanced treatments available that can vastly reduce hair growth.

If you suffer from thick dark hair in any area laser hair removal is a treatment that will remove the hair permanently. This is suitable for both men and women and works by the laser emitting a broad spectrum of light directly into the hair follicle. The light energy turns to heat energy and damages or destroys the hair follicle resulting in permanent reduction in hair.

Areas that can be treated include faces, chests, backs, legs, bikini and underarms plus many more. People with dark course hair generally achieve better results and the laser will pick up the pigment in the hair much easier. People with fairer hair will still get results but usually need more treatments. Six to ten sessions are normally recommended with 4-6 week intervals depending on the area being treated.

There is also a new treatment for the removal of unwanted fine downy hair. Alkaline wash will remove hair from any area of the body and is particularly effective on fine downy hair. Color is not an issue and results depend on the texture of the hair. Alkaline wash turns the PH of the skin and hair from 5.5 to 12 resulting in the hair follicles being damaged.  This is a pain free and effective way of removing unwanted fine downy hair and usually results in permanent hair loss over a period of time.

Another effective hair removal treatment is advanced electrolysis, which results in permanent hair removal and is particularly effective on grey, stubborn and strong hair.  This is a safe and comfortable method and gets effective results.  Tissue destruction is caused at the base of the follicle which weakens the hair inhibiting the growth.

So, if you want to get rid of unwanted hair, don't forget that laser hair removal, alkaline wash and advanced electrolysis, are treatments you should consider.

Pubic Hair Removal Methods - Threading - The Easy Cost Effective Way To Remove Your Hair

The technique of hair removal known as threading is an ancient method of hair removal that is still practiced in the Middle East and Asia. Although from the world body and facial hair removal is an integral part of our daily life for people worldwide who are always looking for a painless, quick and efficient and cost-cutting.

In fact, threading has become so popular in Western countries is not uncommon to find beauty and personal care techniques offering a lounge for their customers.

The same technique is simple enough, but it takes practice to do well, while not causing pain. Although similar in nature to the collection and tweezing, often used in preference to the two techniques for ease in removing the hair net in a straight line.

This technique involves the cotton yarn in which the ends tied together to create a circle. The hands are then fed into the circuit and spinning several times. thread is then gently hair covering area. As the wire moves hair development in this thread carefully "hair" report up and pulled out from the root.

And while there may be some problems associated with hair removal methods, threading is the most gentle and painless. skin surface was not affected, as in hair removal techniques like shaving and waxing and there is little change in skin color and pain after this technique are made.

After the hair removed by threading, this procedure usually does not need to be repeated before 1-2 months.

If you want to use special techniques in areas such as the hairy legs and pubic region, while it is effective and will work, maybe there is a way to quick remove hair from larger areas. You might also consider areas that may be difficult to thread your own.

So if you find a method of hair removal is almost painless, lasts as long if not longer than other hair removal methods, it is easy to do it yourself (under the arm and buttocks, though) not always and everywhere and that cost literally , You should take the cotton and to provide a thread away. You have nothing to lose but your hair.

8 Natural Ways to Promote Hair Growth

Promote hair growth? Is there a way to do it? Many people who suffer from hair loss and bad hair are desperate to find a natural way to grow their manes back.

Well if you want to promote the rapid growth of your hair, then there are several things that must be made. Most can be made from items found at home and relatively cheap.

Here are eight ways to grow a mane of longer and more often.

1. Start by massaging your scalp every day for several minutes. Easy to use with your fingers and massage your nails in a small circle. simple massage from the bottom ten head.this head on you can increase your hair growth.

2. If you want to bring life and shine to hair, you can wash with lemon juice and 1 cup of water. This will bring the spirit back to dull hair. Another trick along these lines is to rub an egg yolk on your hair, leave for an hour and then wash it.

3. To promote healthy growth of hair, hair brushed with olive oil and then brush your hair gently with a wooden brush. Do not brush hair when wet as this may damage it. A wide-toothed comb would go a long way to grow the button again

4. If you cut your hair every month will help increase hair growth. Even if you just cut these tips to prevent damage and eliminate split ends. Some experts say that if you sleep on one side that will grow longer and faster. This is because the night of scalp massage on a pillow that promotes blood flow to the scalp helps to strengthen hair growth.

5. If you have a beer at home, not to mention the media and then apply to your hair, wrap hair with a towel for an hour and then wash with shampoo. This will prevent split end happen.

6. Using coconut milk are other ways to promote hair growth. Simply massage a small amount of water or canned or fresh coconut on my hair and trying to stay one night, just wash in the morning. This will help hair grow longer, thicker and make it soft and shiny.

7. The application of egg on your hair is the best way to add food and shine. Brush the beaten eggs, at least once a week and then wash with mild shampoo.

8. One of the products you can buy in the store is Mira hair oil, this product has the flavor and oils that promote hair growth. Use overnight for best results.

These are eight ways to grow longer and thicker locks. Within weeks you will see the mane to make a new life and spirit.

Monday, August 9, 2010

How to Remove Hair Extensions
The length of time that you can keep your hair extensions in for depends on the type of hair used and the application method. Most stylists would recommend that extensions need removing after around 4-6 months of wearing. Just as hair extensions need to be applied using a specific method, the removal of the extensions also needs to be done following a specific method. Removal can often requires a lot of patience as it can be a very time-consuming process.
The method of removal will depend on the technique used to apply the extensions. It is always the best idea to return to your stylist who put in the extensions to take them out as you will get the best results with minimal damage to your own hair. However, some people feel that they are confident enough to remove them at home, so if this is you then here is a short guide on how to do it yourself.
If you have sewn-in extensions they can be quite complicated and difficult to remove, so if possible go back to your stylist to have them taken out. Removal can also cause a lot of hair loss so do not attempt it unless you are confident with the technique. To remove you will need to identify the thread that has been sewn into your natural hair. Once you have done this you need to carefully cut it out using a pair of scissors, taking care not to catch your natural hair. Next, pull off the extension from your natural hair using your fingers or a hair extension removal tool. Repeat all over your head. Once this is done comb your hair through thoroughly using a wide toothed comb until all the knots are detangled. Follow with a thorough shampoo and condition.
To remove micro cylinder or micro ring extensions you need to take a lot of care so be prepared for it to take some time. You will need to locate the spot where the extensions have been attached or crimped onto your hair. Once you've identified this point you can use a pair of pliers to un-crimp and detach the extension from your natural hair. This can only be done if the ring is undamaged. If the ring is damaged then you need to use a ring remover to detach the extensions. Once this is done, again you need to comb through the hair and shampoo and condition it thoroughly.
Removing glued-in hair extensions can cause a lot of damage so you need to be really gentle and careful. You need to apply the extension remover or the glue dissolver at the base of the hair extensions. Work it into a lather for about a minute and a half until you feel the extensions loosen. Next use a wide toothed comb to gently remove the extensions and once they have all been removed comb through and wash thoroughly.
If you've had thermal or cold fusion extensions attached then you really should go back to the salon to get them removed. If you really have to do it at home then you need to apply the bond remover to the base of the extension and work it up thoroughly like detailed in the glued-in extension removal guide. You will need to leave this on for around 10 minutes until the bond loosens. You need to follow with a bond removal shampoo and condition to make sure all the residue is cleared.

Hot and Cold Sugar Wax to Remove Hair
Removing hair through waxing is a recommended way because of the slower hair growth. This is true because waxing works by removing the hair including the roots. Waxing can be made and done at home inexpensively. You can choose between a hot sugar wax and cold sugar wax. Both are effective in removing hair in any part of the body.

Hot Sugar Wax

To make the wax you will need 2 cups of sugar, ¼ cup water and ¼ cup lemon juice. Place all ingredients in a heated sauce pan and stir constantly until the sugar is melted. Once you have noticed that the consistency is a thick brown liquid you can then remove it from the heat and cool it for a few minutes. You are now ready to apply the wax. With the use of a spatula or a butter knife, apply the wax to the skin and place a cotton strip securely over the wax. Immediately pull the strip against the hair growth direction. The hair will come out from the roots. Touch the area with your hand immediately after pulling the hair and this will alleviate the pain.

Cold Sugar Wax

Cold sugar wax is a method in which a cotton strip is not necessary. The ingredients are 1 cup sugar and ½ cup lemon juice. First is to place the lemon juice in a saucepan and heat it over medium heat. Stir it occasionally until it becomes frothy and bubbly. Once the consistency is as mentioned, add the sugar and stir continuously. Observe until the mixture becomes thick and gold in color. Once you notice this, remove it immediately from the heat. Transfer the preparation to a wax paper and allow it to cool. Once it is cool enough, get a small piece of wax and knead it until it is light gold in color. Apply it into the area using your fingers. Once it adheres in the skin pull it quickly against the hair growth direction. It is a simple and fun method.

How to Remove Hair Dye From Bathrooms and Bathroom Tiles
If you've recently dyed your hair and unfortunately managed to get some hair dye onto your bathroom tiles or your bathtub, there are a number of things you can try to remove it.

Before you start, you should remember that you don't want to take any of the enamel off the coating of your tile. Porcelain and ceramic tiles often have a high gloss finish that you don't want to damage. If you do, your tiles will look matted and worn. You may also scratch them.

Also, be sure to do a test patch on a small area on an unseen or un-noticable tile. (Even better, use a spare tile that's not on your bathroom wall - at Builder Superstore we recommend adding 10% of your order on top to account for spares, breakages and replacements.)

-If you can, wipe as much of the hair dye off the bathroom tile or bath as soon as it occurs. Spray with hairspray and wipe.

-If you have hair dye stains in your bath, fill the bath with water and bleach, and leave to soak overnight. (Be sure to keep the area well ventilated).

-You can buy specialist products such as Scrubbing Bubbles (used in many salons), or Magic Eraser. (Be sure to do test patches).

-If you have marble tiles in your bathroom, you can use alcohol to remove it.

-Peroxide gel or a bleach pen can also be used to remove hair dye from porcelain or ceramic tiles.

-You could also purchase (at a high cost) colour remover from a hairdresser. This is used to strip hair dye, so may work on your tiles too.

-Cigarette ash mixed with a little water has also been cited as a useful method to remove dye from tiles.

- If you have hair dye in your tile grout, this can easily be re-grouted over the top. Be sure to seal the grout as well, to ensure it is waterproof.


With everything, be sure to seek professional opinion, do test patches and follow manufacturers instructions.

How to Remove Hair From the Face
If you are a woman, you may unfortunately have dark hairs on your face that have to be addressed. There are many ways in which to get rid of hair from the face. You just have to figure out the best method for you. You may want to only get rid of the dark hairs or get rid of all of the fine hairs as well. It is up to you to decide what you want to address.

One of the methods of hair removal is with laser treatments. If you're looking for a permanent solution this is the best method. It takes several weeks and many treatments before the hair is destroyed and won't grow back. Any area of below the eyes it would be the best area to do. You would not want to do your eyebrows as hair tends to thin as you age anyway. The cost of this method can be quite expensive, but the payoff is that the results are permanent. You also have to commit to getting all of the treatments.

Another great method of getting rid of hair from face is with body sugaring. This method is far superior to waxing. It removes the hair from the root. With continued treatments, the hair stops growing back as coarse. Also as an added benefit it removes dead skin, which allows your pores to breathe. Since it is not as common as waxing you may have a hard time finding a practitioner in your area. You can purchase this product on the Internet or you can purchase it at the drugstore. There are also instructional videos that show you how it's done.

These methods are really great for removing hair from the face. Either of them should be able to fit your budget.

Tips When Seeking Information on How to Remove Hair

Learning how to remove hair is a process that is constantly evolving. The television channels are packed with ads on new razors that give you a closer shave or some new hair remover cream that will magically make the hair go away. The real truth is that you often have to search for the right method that works best for your body. You have to factor in the length of time the process will take, how expensive the procedure or product is and how it will affect your skin.

Walk into any retail store like Wal-Mart or Target and you are bound to come across a plethora of hair removal products ranging from creams to home waxing kits. Most of the products come with pretty easy instructions to follow on how to remove hair. As long as you follow the directions and are mindful of the areas where you are not to use the products, then you should be fairly successful. Now, if you are considering permanent hair removal, then you are talking about an entirely different thing.

If you want to get rid of that hair for good, then you may need to visit a professional. You can undergo electrolysis or laser treatments. Yes, they do cost more than at home methods but you are getting the services of a professional trained in hair removal. He or she will be able to explain the procedure, outline the costs involved and inform you of follow up care for the targeted area. They can also let you know if the procedure will even work for you. Unfortunately, there are some cases when these methods are not best. Hence, the need for a meeting with a professional.

When you schedule a visit with a hair removal expert you should expect a few things. The professional should be very courteous and helpful. This means that he or she should be able to answer all of your questions. Look for a clean work environment and a professional attitude. You may also ask to see "before" and "after" pictures of clients who have had that particular procedure. It may not be possible to ask for referrals from individuals but you can perform a Google search on the business and see if there have been any complaints filed.

Finding the right information and tools on how to remove hair are easy to find. There are plenty of national magazines that have beauty experts who can answer questions about unwanted body hair. You may be able to log onto the magazine's website and find tips and hints on which methods work best. Just bear in mind that not every procedure works for everyone. You will have to find the one that is right for you.

Ways To Remove Hair Color
There's nothing like coloring your hair to make you feel and look new. A new hair color can do wonders to your confidence level, though not always. Sometimes, it can spell disaster. A color might look really good on the packet cover, but once you've used it the reactions might vary from "oh my God" to major depression. So, if you fall into this category, then we can suggest you some solutions to remove hair color.

Okay, so somehow the hair color you have been dreaming about went wrong. It may be too bright, too dark, or simply is not the color you wanted. And, laying the blame on the colorist's door or the product company will not help. What you need is damage control-you need to remove hair color.

However, this is easier said than done. Hair color is not like furniture paint that can easily be removed with paint remover. One option to remove hair color is to go to a color correction specialist. The only way to remove hair color is with a color removal product. But only professionals should use products designed to remove hair color. These products are not recommended for consumers unless they know exactly what they're doing.

But what you can do on your own to remove hair color is to cover up. And depending on the color you selected, you may be able to cover the permanent color with a semi or demi-color. But before you decide to re-color your hair with another color, seek the advice of the color manufacturer, because mixing colors can result in bigger disasters than before.

If the hair color used was a light to medium shade, you may be able to cover it with a semi-permanent hair color after a few days. If you used a very dark shade, then it's very difficult to remove hair color and you might as well live with it. Dark hair colors are hard to correct because the pigments in the dye are very strong. If your hair has been colored a shade of green, you could try a chlorine removal shampoo, or, if all else fails, tomato juice soak.

Mistakes do happen, but learn from the mistakes and take care not to repeat them. And before you set out to repair the damage, call the manufacturer of the product first. They'll be able to suggest you ways to remove hair color. Still, if you're unable to correct the problem, remember it's just hair. The color will eventually grow out or fade on its own.

You can also make the best of the situation by visiting a stylist and getting a new flattering hairstyle that'll draw attention away from the ghastly color. You can also use this time to accessorize your hair and try out different styles. Anything that'll draw the attention from the hair color should help. Also, remember to use hair-coloring products that are safe, because a head full of orange hair is better than a head without hair.

Laser Hair Removal

More and more people are giving laser hair removal a shot! If you're not into this hot, new treatment, then you've come to the right place. Imagine never having to deal with messy creams. Imagine talking to the grocery clerk and not having her stare at the hair on your upper lip. Imagine never having to hide your precious parts at the beach.

Stop imagining! You can make your dreams of hairless summers and hairless winters come true. First of all I believe it's important for women and men to find out what causes abnormal hair growth before they start drastic measure to remove it. Doctors say hair usually grows abnormally due to hormones. Once you've determined whether you have health concerns related to your hair, then you can decide on the appropriate remedy.

I can tell you lasers are safe and effective in the removal of unwanted hair. A trained specialist can help you determine what treatment is best for you using your skin and hair type. With lasers you don't have to worry about shaving, tweezing, or waxing now and forever. Forever sounds like a long time, doesn't it? Lasers produce a beam of light that is used to remove hair. The light passes through the skin to the hair follicle. Once it gets to the hair it basically kills it. Neat, huh? The process only takes less than an hour.

Lasers are attracted to dark colors. You'll get the best results if your hair is darker than your complexion. You're wondering if the laser has any side effects. It does if you have a tan. Tanning and lasering leads to burning. Ouch, it really hurts so you'll want to beware of adding the two in combo. Also, it's important to note that the laser doesn't do a thing for blondes, white or gray haired people.

If you're not ready to give lasers a shot, then there are several other techniques on the market that can help you get rid of your hair-raising problem. Let's talk about the only permanent hair removal known to man right now. It's called electrolysis. If you're scared of needles, then this is not the treatment for you. You'll want to make sure that you have not waxed or tweezed within a few days of having a treatment. This makes the hair follicle easier for the electrologist to reach.

The electrologist inserts a tiny needle into each hair follicle and uses a short impulse of energy to kill the root. Sounds, cool, huh? The hair is tweezed out one at a time. Sounds like an awfully long process. However, it only takes a few hours. You will most likely need more than one treatment to kill all of your hair. There are electrolysis kits that you can use at home, but I wouldn't recommend it. You're better off using a licensed electrologist.

Speaking of problems, what's yours? Everyone has a specific area of the body where they want to be bald. Women usually hate facial hair on their upper lips, chin and sides of face. Hairs in those areas don't seem to bother men that much! Okay, I shouldn't joke about it! Hair on the lip is very troubling to most women. It can be removed using a bleaching procedure.

Bleaching works if your hair is similar in color to your skin. Be careful, bleaching lightens hair in dark complexions. I'll never forget someone with a dark complexion once asked me if she could use a depilatory creams on the lip. No way, don't even think! My response was fast and furious. Depilatories are harsh on sensitive skin and should never be placed on the lips or eyes areas.

The important thing to remember about depilatories is you should use them on the legs and thighs only. Depilatory creams dissolve the keratin in hair. As you can imagine that's some pretty strong stuff! Be sure to test patches of skin before you put the cream on. The cream can cause rashes and skin discolorations. It is possible to treat a negative reaction with an anti-bacterial solution and antibiotic.

Waxing on the other hand is a great way to remove hair from the legs and thighs and bikini area. Your skin will feel so clean, smooth and soft after this procedure. Waxing doesn't irritate your skin the way shaving and creams do. However, waxing is a temporary hair removal procedure. Waxing is similar to the sugaring procedure that is also temporary.

Sugaring is becoming more popular for people who want to be hairless in the bikini area. The sugar is warmed not at all like the high heat that's used in waxing. The warmed sugar is placed on the skin. Your technician will then remove the sugar with muslin strips. The sugar sticks mostly to the hair and not the skin. That makes it easier when it's time to remove the hair. I highly recommend sugaring because the red bumps and other skin irritations are minimized with it.

You're daring, right? You want a bikini wax, but you want it all over. Then, you'll have to try what is called a Brazilian bikini wax. Have you ever been to Brazil? The natives are not at all ashamed of their bodies. The Brazilian wax removes hair all over the pubic area including the labia and buttocks. You can tell your technician how far to go, or not go. A patch of hair is sometimes left above the vagina.

Now, the procedure for getting a Brazilian wax is the same just about as with a bikini wax. You'll be given a paper thong if you're a little shy to put on for Brazilian bikini wax. Your hair will be cut using some scissors. The wax is then put on using a wooden stick. Strips of cloth are used to take the hair off. Tweezers are sometimes used to pick away stray hairs. Some folk's say it hurts, others swear it works magic to improve their self-esteem and body image. You now have choices whether it's shavers and creams or lasers and wax. You no longer have to live with a hair-raising experience. Get rid of it! The choice is yours.

Head Lice Treatment and Nit Removal
Medications that kill head lice are called pediculicides. All pediculicides except malathion are applied to the scalp and hair and left on for 10 minutes, then rinsed off. Pediculicides kill nymphs and adult lice, but do not destroy nits. For this reason, they may need to be reapplied 7-10 days after the first application to kill newly emerged nymphs. Because some pediculicides have significant toxicities, it is important to follow application directions carefully.

Permethrin is the preferred first-line treatment for head lice. Permethrin 1% (Nix) is available over the counter, and permethrin 5% (Elimite) is available by prescription. Permethrin is a cream rinse that is designed to leave a residue after rinsing that kills emerging nymphs, so reapplication is usually not needed.

Pyrethrins Plus Piperonyl Butoxide (Rid)
Rid is a shampoo that can cause an allergic reaction in people who have plant allergies, especially allergies to chrysthanthemums. Twenty to thirty percent of the eggs remain viable after treatment, so a second treatment is recommended in 7-10 days.

Lindane (Kwell)
Lindane is available only by prescription. It should only be used cautiously if a first-line treatment has failed because several cases of seizures in children have been reported.

Malathion is a prescription lotion that is applied to the hair, left to air dry, then washed off after 8-12 hours. Because it has a high alcohol content, it is highly flammable and can cause difficulty breathing if it is ingested. For these reasons, it should only be used for resistant cases of head lice.

Oral Agents
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Septra, Bactrim) is an oral antibiotic, given as a 10-day course, which has been shown to be effective at treating resistant infestations of head lice. Ivermectin (Stromectol) is an antiparasitic drug given as a single dose that has also been shown to effectively treat resistant head lice infestations. However, neither of these drugs is FDA approved for use as a pediculicide.

Nit Removal
Treatment with a pediculicide kills adult lice and nymphs preventing the spread of head lice infestation to other people. Removal of nits is recommended to reduce confusion about the effectiveness of treatment. Nits within 1 cm of the scalp should be physically removed by a fine toothed comb. A variety of agents are available to break down the cement holding the nit to the hair shaft including distilled white vinegar, formic acid preparations, and enzymatic nit removal systems. Using one of these agents prior to nit combing makes it easier to remove nits. Nits that are present on the hair shaft greater than 1 cm from the scalp are not considered to be viable and do not have to be removed.

Treatment of Head Lice Contacts
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, if a case of head lice is identified, all household members should be checked for head lice. Only those with live lice or eggs within 1 cm of the scalp should be treated. It is also recommended that all hair care items and bedding belonging to the infested person be cleaned.

Hair Removal with Depilatories, Electrolysis, Laser, and Vaniqa

Hair Removal with Depilatories
Depilatories use a chemical called thioglycolate mixed with sodium hydroxide or calcium hydroxide to literally melt the hair away. Thioglycolate disrupts disulfide bonds, which are chemical bonds that hold skin and hair cells together. The disulfide bonds that hold hair together contain more of the protein cystine than do the disulfide bonds that hold skin cells together. Thioglycolate is more effective on disulfide bonds that contain cystine. The major side effect of a depilatory is skin irritation because the chemical can melt away skin cells.

A depilatory is applied to the area with unwanted hair and left on for 3 to 15 minutes. During this time the chemical dissolves the hair and the resulting jelly-like substance is wiped or washed off after the appropriate time. The chemical should be tested first on a small skin area at least 48 hours before applying it to a large area. Applying a hydrocortisone cream after hair removal may help decrease irritation.

Hair Removal with Electrolysis
Electrolysis involves inserting a fine needle into the hair follicle and applying an electrical current to the follicle root. This procedure actually burns the hair root theoretically preventing it from producing more hair. Each hair follicle must be treated individually and may take several treatments to destroy the follicle. Electrolysis is a permanent form of hair removal but it has several drawbacks. First, there are no standardized licensing guidelines for electrolysis so finding an experienced, effective technician is difficult requiring talking to clients who have experienced permanent results. Second, this method requires repeated treatments for up to 12 to 18 months. Hair follicles that are in the telogen phase are more difficult to destroy than hair follicles in the anagen phase. Shaving approximately 3 days before an electrolysis treatment ensures that the hairs that are visible are in the anagen phase. Finally, side effects can include pain, infection, keloid formation (for people who are susceptible), hyperpigmentation, or hypopigmentation.

Hair Removal with Laser
Laser treatment of various skin conditions has blossomed, as laser technology has become more understood. Hair removal is a common application of laser technology, but it is not permanent and not for everyone. Lasers work by emitting light at various wavelengths, energy output, and pulse widths. The wavelength used determines the skin structure it will affect such as veins, melanin, or water. Most lasers used for hair removal target melanin and are therefore designed to burn structures that contain melanin. The more melanin, the more damage. It makes sense that laser hair removal works best for light-skinned people with dark hair. As with electrolysis, hair follicles in the anagen phase are more easily destroyed than those in the telogen phase. Therefore, laser treatments for hair removal must be repeated. At this time it appears that laser treatment, while not causing permanent destruction of all hair follicles, does retard the regrowth of new hair.

Hair Removal with Vaniqa
Vaniqa is a prescription-only topical cream that has been FDA-approved for reducing and inhibiting the growth of unwanted facial hair. The active ingredient in Vaniqa is eflornithine hydrochloride, which has been used to treat African sleeping sickness and certain cancers. Vaniqa works by inhibiting an enzyme that is needed for cell reproduction and other cell functions necessary for hair growth. Vaniqa is applied twice a day to areas of unwanted facial hair. Noticeable results are usually observed after 4-8 weeks of therapy. Application must be continued for as long as inhibition of hair growth is desired. Vaniqa continues to reduce facial hair growth for up to 8 weeks after discontinuing treatment.

Polycystic ovary syndrome Ways of removing hair


Shaving unwanted hair is cheap and quick. But hair grows back quickly. Lots of people think that shaving hair makes it grow back faster or thicker. But that isn't exactly right. Shaving off the ends of hairs can make them feel thicker. Shaved hairs may also feel sharp or bristly. The hair doesn't grow back any faster.[1] But shaving can irritate your skin.

Hair removal creams

Hair removal creams dissolve hair above the skin. Again, the hair will grow back quickly, probably within a few days. These creams can be expensive if you use them often. They may irritate your skin, especially if you use them a lot or on sensitive parts of your body, like your face.

Waxing removes hair by the roots, so it takes longer to grow back. You can get waxing strips to do it yourself at home, or have it done as a beauty salon. But waxing can be painful and it can irritate your skin. You may get in-growing hairs, which can get infected and sore.

Electrolysis aims to damage the hair root (follicle), so that the hair doesn't grow back. It's done by beauticians in salons. A fine metal needle is put into a follicle, and a small electric current damages the root of the hair. But it takes a long time to cover all the hair you want removed, and treatments can be expensive.[2] Some people find it painful.

Electrolysis needs to be done by someone who's been specially trained. And it's important that all the equipment is sterile. Make sure whoever treats you is qualified to do it.
Laser treatments

Laser treatments use a focused beam of light to damage the hair root (follicle). It slows down the growth of hair, and after several treatments (maybe around four) you may find the hair doesn't grow back. It works best if you have light skin and dark hair. That's because the laser is set to destroy dark hair, without damaging surrounding light coloured skin. If your hair is light or your skin is dark, it won't work so well.

Some people find laser treatment painful. Your skin may be red and inflamed for a couple of days afterwards. And, like electrolysis, it can be expensive to cover all the hair you want to have removed.

Lots of private clinics offer laser hair removal. If you decide to have this treatment, make sure the clinic you choose is registered with the Healthcare Commission. Clinics providing laser skin treatments must register by law. You can ask to see a certificate of registration, or check at the Care Quality Commission's